Get inspired with these random quotes!
A woman's dream is to be the woman of a man's dreams.
Author:Khalil Gibran
#freaky quotes
As repulsive as a frightened man is, so beautiful is a trembling woman.
Author:Tennessee Williams
Even time and opportunity pass lazily for a lazy person.
The unfed mind destroys itself from within.
Author:William Shakespeare
Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
Author:Roger M. Blashfield
If you're overly innocent, respect is the first thing you'll lose.
Author:Danielle Steel
Don't allow strangers to teach you to hate people you've never met.
Author:Toni Morrison
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
Author:Pablo Picasso
Sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones that live in our own minds, lurking in the shadows of our thoughts.
Having a kind heart can sometimes lead to difficult situations.
It's essential to understand that no matter how kind you are to others, it doesn't guarantee they'll be kind to you.
One downside to having a kind heart is that people often mistake it for weakness.
Author:J. A. C. K.
Don’t compromise too much, or people will fuck you and leave you behind.
Author:J.K. Rowling
Embrace the strange, for normality is nothing more than a mirage that hides the bizarre beauty of the universe.
Author:Nikita Gill
Embrace the strange, for normality is the prison of the average mind.
Author:Nicole Blackman