Get inspired with these random quotes!
We're all educated when it comes to other people's mistakes.
Author:Susan Cain
#quotes about life
When an animal's eyes are covered, it walks in circles; if its eyes weren't covered, it wouldn't walk like that.
Author:George Berkeley
In life, if you're not cautious, rumors can lead you to despise the innocent and admire the hypocrites.
Author:Justin T. Brown
The soul cannot find peace if it is filled with lies and malice.
Author:Khalil Gibran
Wisdom will only obey him who is no longer agitated, neither by hatred nor by the thirst for greatness.
If we do not give a person more than what he needs, he will turn into a animal.
Author:Blaise Pascal
He thinks too much: such people are dangerous.
Author:Friedrich Nietzsche
A person is more likely to hurt someone they love than someone they fear.
Author:Harville Hendrix
Do you think that because you have done something good for the unfortunate, you have the right to treat them unfairly?
Author:Maya Angelou
Truly a strong man is he who endures misfortune.
Author:Lao Tzu
You cannot stop birds from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests there. Similarly, you cannot prevent bad thoughts from entering your mind, but you can prevent them from nesting there.
Author:Chinese Proverb
Only those tears are truly bitter that a man sheds when he is alone.
Author:Paul Auster
Our hearts often play tricks on our minds.
Author:Marilynne Robinson
Love has many remedies, but none of them can cure it.
Author:Benjamin Disraeli
Conscience is the law of laws.
Author:Victor Hugo