trust issues quotes

The quote "Worthiness doesn’t have prerequisites" by Brené Brown highlights the idea that every person inherently possesses worth and value, regardless of any conditions or achievements. It suggests that feeling deserving of love, respect, and belonging should not be contingent upon external factors such as accomplishments, status, or approval from others. Instead, worthiness is an intrinsic quality that does not require validation or justification. Brown's message encourages self-acceptance and challenges the belief that one's worth must be earned through meeting certain criteria.

Quote By: Brené Brown

About Brené Brown:

Brené Brown is an American research professor, author, and public speaker known for her work on vulnerability, courage, empathy, and leadership. She gained widespread recognition through her TED talks, particularly "The Power of Vulnerability," and her bestselling books, including "Daring Greatly" and "Braving the Wilderness." Brown's pioneering research has transformed the conversation around shame and connection, making her a leading voice in the fields of social work and personal development.

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